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The health and wellbeing of our members have always been a priority to us. During this pandemic we are doing everything we can to make sure the studio is a safe place for everyone to train. To keep you and everyone else safe, please following the studio rules below.

Gym safety rules

  • If you have returned from a holiday overseas you must follow the Covid-19 travel guidance on the GOV.UK website.  You are required to self isolate if you are traveling back from some countries

  • If you or anyone in your household has Covid symptoms 72 hours before a class - please let us know and stay at home

  • You must book a class in advance via the Wix app or the website. Spaces are limited.

  • Bring only essential belongings (water bottle, keys, phone) - If you come by car please leave any non-essential belongings in your car.

  • Arrive 10 minutes before the class starts and wait outside the studio where there are floor markings

  • Members will be allowed into the studio one at a time to sanitise their hands

  • There are box markings on the studio floor to show you where to stand - make sure you socially distance from other members

  • After the class, please spray the equipment you have used

  • Use the hand sanitiser before you leave

  • If you develop Covid symptoms after a class please notify us immediately at

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